The healthcare sector’s design MO has been to do more with less. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE
The healthcare sector’s design MO has been to do more with less. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE
Demographic and population growth analyses are underway to determine whether to build a 12-bay or 24-bay emergency department. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE
After a nine-month process, an administrative law judge approved construction proposals from two rival healthcare organizations — clearing the way for both providers to build hospitals. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE
Nicklaus filed a lawsuit late last week against the state Department of Health to stop Kendall Regional Medical Center, which is owned by the Hospital Corporation of America, from operating as a Level I trauma center in the region. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE
Sustainable building practices have emerged in the world of wellness, making residents’ health a priority. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE